Thursday 28 September 2017


➤ CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
➤ CSS gives attractive look to the websites or Webpages.
➤ External style sheet stored in css file.

 Types of CSS
CSS is deffine on three types. 
  1. External CSS
  2. Internal CSS
  3. Inline CSS.  
 External CSS 
In This type of CSS file, We can joint External CSS to web pages with a link. For this we create the web page and in this web page gives a link to CSS file. 
The location of this link is in the web pages <head> tag. and the code is 
        <head>      <link rel ="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css">  </head>
where style.css is the name of the External CSS file. 
Internal CSS
 An Internal style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique style.You deffine   Internal styles in the head section by using <style> tag,
Example :            
                                  <style type=text/css>

 Inline CSS
Use the method sparingly, such when a style is to be applied to a single occureence of an element.
we gives css with in HTML code is called Inline CSS. 
 Example : 
                    <body style=" border 1px solid #333; margin:50px;"
                   < p style="color:black; margin:20px;">
                  This is a paragraph.
style=" border 1px solid #333; margin:50px;"
style="color:black; margin:20px;"                                      is called Inline CSS 

The CSS syntax is made up of three parts 
  • A Selector 
  • A property
  • Property value
Selector{Property: Property value;}
Example :
  body{ color: black;}.  
 We can use (.) and (#) property in CSS for class and id. 

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